Thursday, January 15, 2009

AbdurRahman started crawling!!! Its so sweet watching him. He's not on all fours, just sort of dragging himself around for now. He has four teeth now, and the fifth is just popping through. He is progressing so well MashaAllah............

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

AbdurRahman pulled himself up to a standing position yesterday! He was sitting down, I turned my back for a second and when I looked back he was up and smiling at me.......I couldn't believe it. He then sat down and stood up again-Show off lol

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Third tooth in!!! My baby's growing up.........

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Its beautiful to watch him and see how everything is so new to him...
He's almost eight months old now.His two bottom teeth are out and I think one of the top two will be out in the next few weeks.
He's not crawling yet.........He seems content to play with whatever is in front of him, not making much effort to get things out of reach unless its his daddy's laptop, earphones or watch(while its on his wrist)!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby Boy

AbdurRahman was born on the 10th of April 2008 at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin. He weighed in at 3.02kg.